Friday, December 3, 2010

AA: Angry Artist: on subjectivity...


Why is there so much crap that is communally prized?
Why do they hear just one rave and decide to make it super sized?
Oh it’s just so annoying the choice of the elite
Isn’t always the smartest, truest or complete.
It’s not so comprehensive or even happy making.
It’s maybe even stupid like half fucking baking.
Oh it fucking gets my goat how just one opinion
Can blow up into public knowledge, like fucking fact or fiction

Van Gogh: the most famously now known but then completely ignored.
here are some others:
 Dickinson, El Greco,  Mendel,  Wegener, Galileo,  Darger, Thoreau, Poe, Kafka, 
food for thought.

alternate titles:
"concern about our culture's ethos and the credence we give to whomever has the microphone."
"your review is stupid"
"don't close that show, it's awesome!"

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